Golf Tips For Better Driving – Proper Golf Driving Technique Tips

Golf Tips For Better Driving – Proper Golf Driving Technique Tips…
Driving is an important aspect of the game and most players are always on the look out for proper golf driving technique tips. So as to become perfect in the game, it is very important to know how to hit off the tee. It is common to see players struggling with this shot with half of these shots ending up being wrong. Here are some useful golf tips for better driving that can be helpful for every golf player.

One may come across a countless number of articles on driving, but most of them don’t provide the required information that can be of any help for the players. Some aspects of driving are overlooked in most of such articles. Here are some tips that have been proven to be extremely useful for a number of players for driving.

Accuracy of the shot is as important as distance covered by the ball. Covering a huge distance would not mean anything in the case where the ball veers off course. A hook or a slice can ruin the advantage of long distance. A wild shot may result in a ball landing much away from the hole and it has the potential of doing more damage than good. Every golf expert advises focusing on accuracy and then on distance. This is one of the most important golf driving technique tips.

While taking a shot, the posture should be correct so as to have maximum impact. It is also possible that posture might be different for every player. At the same time, there are certain points that can be taken care of by every player.

The head should always be behind the ball before taking a shot. At the same time, the feet and the shoulders should be at a uniform distance from each other. It is incorrect to stand too tall or slouch while addressing the ball. Players should have a flex in their knees while taking the shot. One can take a similar position as of shortstop in the game of baseball.

New players should keep in mind that they should not try to hit the ball too hard. One must resist the urge of hitting it in this way as it can have negative consequences. So as to get maximum distance, one can increase the speed at which club descends from the top. Long distance can be obtained by higher club speed.

One of the most important golf tips for better driving is to try out the heavier 460cc clubs. The players can impart an extra bit of speed to the ball by virtue of their extra weight. However, mastering these clubs might not be too straightforward. These can be tricky even for the most experienced players and the old driving method may not work with them perfectly.

It is thus very important to take help of a professional golfer for these clubs to learn proper golf driving technique. Apart from that, one may need a lot of practice in learning how to become perfect while using these clubs. At the same time, these clubs can be immensely helpful in dispatching the ball to higher distances quite easily, but require a lot of practice.

Practice is the single most effective way of mastering any activity or game. This holds true for game of golf as well. The more you practice, the better you will play.

For more on adding distance to your drive, and learning proper golf driving technique, I recommend you check out the Golf Swing Book by PurePoint Golf:

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  • golf driver tips